They're Everywhere!

Breast Cancer sufferers that is. I just found out that a lady who I'm mates with on Twitter has cancer and like me she gave up the chemo treatment, in fact she didn't have any chemo at all and is now clear. Fabulous news for her and me. She's also responsible for giving me my fix of cute kitten pictures! Oh and she's a bloomin' good writer with a great sense of humour to boot.

A while back I listed diet, de-stressing, exercise and lifestyle changes as the 4 things I would be concentrating on to beat this feckin' disease, but I'd like to add one more element as well and that is humour. How can you feel or be ill when you are indulging in a huge belly laugh with your mates? For me it's reading any of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. That man's writing has the capacity to totally soften my stiff upper lip and make me laugh out loud in crowded trains and possibly church, although I haven't tried that last bit yet.. I'd also list the Monty Python films and TV series, Puckoon by Spike Milligan, Mrs Brown's Boys, Father Ted, all the Carry On films, The Rocky Horror Show (Tim Curry in drag and the Time Warp!), Billy Connolly, Anne Robinson (yes really - she made me giggle all the way through the Weakest Link when I was a contestant on it a few years back).

Terry Pratchett's Discworld Novels

Tim Curry

Cast of Father Ted

Norman Cousins' story is often cited as a prime example of the curative property of humour. He was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis and was given a 1 in 500 chance of survival. He promptly fired his doctor, started taking massive doses of vitamin C and watched every funny film he could find. He managed to add 26 Years to his life since that first diagnosis. Not a bad result at all. I'd be happy with that!

The amazing Norman Cousins

Other things that make me laugh are creating quirky embroideries and what could be more quirky than a Flamingo in a cycle helmet riding a bicycle? I giggled all the way through making this one for my Etsy shop. It's sort of a tribute to this year's Tour de France! I hope it makes the eventual buyer laugh as well.

Cycling Flamingo Zippered Pouch

Slàinte Mhath xxx


  1. I have seen many of the disc world novels but never took the time to read a one. Based on your description here I'm thinking I should give it a try =)
    Love the flamingo on the bike-you are gifted in the embroidery dept!
    Sending you warm thoughts and soft kitty purrs.

  2. Thank you for the compliment and the kitty purrs xxxx

    My favourite Discworld characters are The Nac Mac Feegle from The Wee Free Men, Death who appears in quite a few of the books and whose speech is always written in capitals and the Librarian at the Unseen University. He is an Orangutan who can only say the word "Oook" but he says it very expressively. He used to be a wizard at the University but a spell went wrong and he ended up as an Orangutan. Dear Sir Terry actually filmed a documentary about real Orangutans, bless him!


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