May Makes

This is a pic of the purple hot water bottle cover I mentioned in my last post

Purple Hot Water Bottle Cover08
I love the colour, might even make another one. One for me and one for the cats! I’ve been doing a bit of catch up with my own sewing and have finally finished this summer dress made from Butterick 5317. It’s unusual for me to get something finished for the right season. I usually finish my summer sewing in time for Christmas and vice versa.

Blue and White floral dress5

I think it does look vaguely like the one on the right on the pattern envelope, although I didn’t like the sleeves, so I left them out.

A bit of a mad fit overtook me when I decided to crochet the Octopus on the front cover of the current Craftseller magazine.


The word Octopussy kept floating around in my brain, probably because of the Bond film of the same name, so here she is, my very own Octopussy!


I did put this pic on Craftseller’s Facebook Page and they seemed to like it! Maybe I should go for Reservoir Dogs for my next project!

Slàinte Mhath xxx


  1. I like the dress =) and the hot water bottle cover.
    The octupussy seems like something my kitty brats would like to smack about !

  2. What a gorgeous summer dress, lovely material. As a child my favourite colour was purple so of course I love your hot water bottle and very cute octupussy, especially the pink ears♥


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