Whovian, Me?

We Doctor Who fans are called Whovians. Well that’s what they say on the Facebook Group I’m a member of.
I’ve been a bit lapsed recently on my Whovian posts as I’m still trying to get my head around Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. Apparently Peter Capaldi’s agent told him he’d got the part of the 12th Doctor by phoning him and saying “Hello Doctor”
I have to say so far that David Tennant still remains my favourite Doctor. I love this You Tube clip of him with Catherine Tate

                                    The Doctor’s greatest foe is not The Master but Lauren Cooper!

Peter Capaldi wasn’t my first choice for the 12th Doctor, I was hoping for Richard Armitage or Benedict Cumberbatch but I suppose after the success of The Hobbit films and Sherlock the BBC couldn’t afford them. I love these connections –Peter Capaldi has appeared in the Doctor Who spin off Torchwood and with David Tennant in the Doctor Who episode ‘The Fires of Pompeii’. Steven Moffat currently writes for Doctor Who and with Mark Gatiss writes Sherlock which stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman who also star in The Hobbit. I’m sure if Steven Moffat had had the time he could have whipped up a quick screenplay for The Hobbit. That man is such a talented writer that even his autograph would be a bestseller!

Slàinte Mhath xxx

1 comment:

  1. I discovered Doctor Who just last April. My local library had a DVD on the shelf with Matt Smith. The rest, as they say is history. It was confusing as I kept getting the series in the wrong order. Didn't keep me from watching it until one in the morning, though. *sigh* I've never seen anything before Christopher Eccleston.......


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