So Far So Good

Two days into 2014 and I’m sticking to my No Buy policy, so only another 363 days to go!

Crochet cushion

Thought you might like to see my Christmas cushion that I finished a couple of days ago. It would have been finished in time for Christmas if it hadn’t been for a nasty bug that laid me low for over a week. I had a lot of bits of red and green yarn left over from various projects so I gathered them all together and crocheted up a cushion cover. I needed a 12” square cushion pad to go inside but only had a 16” one in my stash. So I opened up the sides of the 16” one and took all the stuffing out. I cut it down to 12” size,  shoved the stuffing back in and re sewed the seams. And voila a custom fit cushion pad with no money spent on a new one! There is some excess stuffing that I couldn’t squeeze back in so I’ve saved that for stuffing the little Woodland Creatures that adorn the tops of my tea cosies.


Just after Christmas I was given this deeply traumatized little chap.

Injured Teddy3

I’m about to perform surgery on him and restore his vision.

Injured Teddy6

There’s nothing sadder than a broken and unloved teddy bear. I’ll let you know later how we got on post op.





Linda xx


  1. Glad you are feeling better.
    Poor teddy. Look forward to seeing you work your magic on him =)

  2. No lies, I think this is the prettiest cushion I've seen for ages, I love the flowers on the white.
    Poor Ted, who's is it? yours?


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