Teeny Tiny Space

I could spend hours on YouTube watching all the funny cat videos. I came across this one this morning. I’m constantly amazed how kitties can squeeze themselves into impossibly small spaces and be able to turn around in them.

Of course my ultimate fav. Youtube cat video is the amazing Cravendale Cats with Thumbs. I like the one in the woolly hat and the one reading The Art of Military Strategy. I think that’s the same book as Daisy, my naughty Tortie has been reading. Or perhaps she wrote it -

Chapter One – How to Make Your Significant Owner Cry

1. Pee on her computer

2. Practise projectile vomiting, preferably in her knicker drawer.

Yes she seems to be able to out manouevre me in every one of my attempts to make her behave. This is her on the phone to one of her pals.

Daisy and phone04

Asserting who’s top cat in the household

Daisy fighting with Lily

And in her latest role as a Bond Villain

Close up of the eyes of a tortie or brindle cat

But I love her anyway xxxxxxx


  1. The ultimate show of authority came from my lovely Kipper, now gone to cat heaven.
    I was his and his alone. One day we had visitors who bought along their baby and I held it. After they had gone, Kipper jumped on my desk turned around and sprayed on me. He was nuetered but I found out then that they can still spray...lol
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry at that. I probably would have been paralysed in disbelief!

      Your blog is great, as a cat lover I love reading about your cat family.

      Linda xx


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