Funny How Our Tastes Change Down the Years

 When I first started writing this blog I was into handcrafts, sewing, machine embroidery, crochet, knitting et al. A Husqvarna Designer Epic was always top of my Wants Lists, never mind the fact that it was the price of a new small car. Vintage Vogue sewing patterns were tracked down on the net, as were balls of yarn. They were like sweets, I always wanted more and more and more. Of course I had to have the latest rainbow coloured knitting needles and designer crochet hooks to work them. Oh the hours and hours that were spent on Ebay and Etsy salivating over these treasures. More hours were spent on YouTube watching tutorials for the Embroidery Machine that I didn't have as yet or could even afford.

The price of a small car!

Then I got cancer and the crafts served to take my mind away from pain, worry and the gradually increasing horror of chemo. At least I could knit a hat to cover up my bald head and embarrassment.

But now, my much loved embroidery machine is up for sale together with those sought after Vintage Vogue patterns and my collection of vintage sewing machines. The wool and the fabric have already been donated to local charities (I only donate to local charities or ones where I know the people who run them). 

So what changed? Why am I turning my back on things and activities I once cherished? I suppose I could say "Blame Covid" but actually I can't. The last two years have turned into a period of reckoning for me, of establishing priorities in my life. When you are forced to hide from human contact, when you lose the so-called 'privilege' of wandering around non-essential shops free to buy anything, and when the ability to take off on a day trip to Europe with your mates is forbidden by people who love a good power grab you suddenly sit up, slapped in the face with the realisation that your values are out of kilter and have been for some time.

So having been fish slapped in the face with a review of my life, how have I decided to conduct my remaining years? Simples. 

Fish Slapping Myself into Reality!

Well, in no particular order, number one is to own my own piece of land and to live on it with rescue cats, a Collie dog and a pond full of wildlife. For years I have dreamed of this and for years I have spent money on useless stuff and then having done so, looked at my bank balance and decided I'll never be able to afford my dream and so I spent some more.

Number two is to revive those extreme 'See how far you can get across Europe in a day and still have a fun day out' trips I used to do with my friends (not seen since beginning of Covid). 

Number three is simply to hug my dear cousin - a lot. 

So now this blog is turning into a tale of extreme frugality, minimalism and the reaching out to the ones I love.

Slàinte Mhath xxx