I Miss My Cats

 Slightly misleading title, as I have a cat and a gorgeous little madam she is.

One Cat Peaceful Protest  

Over the years as you've read on my blog I've had several pussycats, all rescues.
They have made me so happy with their funny little habits and antics. They have all passed now and I miss them dreadfully.

However there is always another little four legged friend that needs a home and happily I was able to give one to little SusieQ.

She lived next door to my friend and sadly her owners were not very caring. They fed her OK, only they used to leave her food outside in all weathers, so it would be going off in hot weather and frozen solid in the winter. The poor little thing took to turning up at my friend's back door looking all ragged and forlorn. It took ages before she could muster the courage to cross the threshold but once she did she stayed put in the house.

My friend had already several cats and asked me if I would take her on. I jumped at the chance. So she came to live with me as a housecat. She is very content not to have to go out in all weathers for her food. We reckon she's about 14 years old, slightly deaf and blind in one eye. She snores like a pneumatic drill and will take your arm off if you try and trim her nails! 

The SusieQ Stare

But what a little character! Her favourite chair is every chair and she likes to give them all a go during the day. At night she has a little pyramid to snooze in. You only get to kiss her once or twice on the head, before she does the cat equivalent of "Get off Mum". 

Pyramid Power!

I'm so happy that I am getting to keep her warm and fed and that she has a home with me for the rest of her life. Another little pussycat wouldn't go amiss however!

Slàinte Mhaith xxx