Second Post in a Week – Lummy!

robin waut














A list of things that the last few years  have taught me –

You don’t need -

    Instead of ruminating over something constantly get busy

    Nobody really notices your limited wardrobe as long as you don’t smell and you hair isn’t greasy
    You don’t need every camera gadget under the sun to take good pics

    You don’t need every fancy bit of software, super duper high end laptop, 29 fountain pens, fancy ink to write

    You don’t need the latest makeup, household gadget, new car to feel good about yourself

You do need –

    A steady supply of coffee and biccies for said friends
    Discipline in work when you’re self-employed
    A library card
    Warm quick dry socks and clothing
    Rubber gloves to get cat hair off your clothing
    Notebook and pen
    Access to free wifi where poss
    Water, veggies and fruit
    Countryside and wildlife
    Peace and a hug every so often

Slàinte Mhath xxx